Assistance Dogs Western Australia

Luis and Piper
Aug 17 2021

Luis and Piper’s Story

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Assistance Dogs are sometimes referred to as Psychiatric Assistance Dogs. Luis has come a long way. He is an ex-policeman and was...
Jun 09 2021

Hope for the future — a new class graduates in WA!

For five families in Western Australia, a long-awaited dream came true last month. After a three year wait, they finally received their Autism Assistance Dogs. These...
Mar 11 2021

Colin and Phoenix’s story

Colin (now 13) from Western Australia is doing his best. He is living with autism, and five years ago he received an Assistance Dog named Phoenix to help him reach his...
Jun 07 2018

Christian and Rufus’ story

After attending a PAWS workshop, mum Carolyne was excited about the possibility of getting an Autism Assistance Dog for her son Christian. She hoped an Assistance Dog...
Jun 07 2018

Meet Colin and Phoenix

Having opened up her heart and her home to over 75 foster children, Kaye is no stranger to welcoming newcomers. The newest addition to her home is Phoenix, a...
Jun 07 2018

Justus and Coodanup College

Starting a new school can be a nerve-wracking time, particularly when you are a student with learning difficulties, autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder...
Jun 07 2018

Peter and Phoebe’s story

West Australian Peter Darch’s service dog, Phoebe, has a heart to match her coat of gold, providing him with freedom and more independence. “I do a lot more since she’s...

It costs over $60,000 to train and place an Assistance Dog.

Your donation helps cover training, vaccinations and equipment for an Assistance Dog, who is given to a client free of charge.

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