Give a gift in Celebration

Looking for a meaningful and unique gift? A donation to Assistance Dogs Australia, in honour of a celebration, is a beautiful way to show how thoughtful you are.

Your donation will help make life better for Australians who are living with a disability. And impress your special person, too.

While you can donate directly here, here are a few other ideas for you and others to get involved:

Asta's Birthday

It’s a loved one’s Birthday!

What to get the person who doesn’t want anything, or already has everything? A donation shows that you care — in many ways. You can donate directly through the donation form.

It’s your Birthday!

If it’s your big day, you could set up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook for friends to donate to. It’s fun to do, and all your Facebook friends will be able to access it easily.

It’s a special occasion!

Congratulations all round! For special occasions like engagements, weddings, graduations, promotions, anniversaries, or births, a donation is a way to give a stand out gift.

If you would like to invite other people to pitch in, and reach a wider audience than the people in your immediate network, a gofundme online donation page is the perfect way to get the word out. Together, your gift will make an even bigger impact.

If you need some extra help, please get in touch, we are always happy to hear from you:

Phone Toll Free: 1800 688 364

Click here to send us an Email

It costs over $60,000 to train and place an Assistance Dog.

Your donation helps cover training, vaccinations and equipment for an Assistance Dog, who is given to a client free of charge.

Donate Now

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