Give a gift in memory of a loved one

Celebrate a life

There are many thoughtful ways to remember the life of a loved one.

If your loved one cared about helping other people, had a wonderful affinity with animals, or had a special connection to our charity, their legacy could be honoured through a gift to Assistance Dogs Australia.

To commemorate a loved one’s passing, family and friends can suggest a donation to Assistance Dogs Australia in lieu of flowers.

Download our “In Memory Of” donation form here to print and share.

Donate in memory of your loved one

Donate in memory of your loved one

Your loved one’s memory will live on through your act of kindness. Your gift will help create a better future, and represents hope for a better tomorrow. This could be the most meaningful gift you could ever give.

Donate in memory of your Dog

Donate in memory of your Dog

Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts that last forever. Your gift, in memory of your best friend, will bring another life-changing pup into the world — a highly-trained Assistance Dog.

Create an online tribute page

Create a tribute page

Share what made your loved one so wonderful with the world. Help other people cope with their grief, and come together for a cause to celebrate the life of someone truly special.

Donate in lieu of flowers

In lieu of flowers

In lieu of gifted flowers for a funeral, ask for a donation to Assistance Dogs Australia instead. This gift can make a difference for years to come, and is a beautiful way of celebrating your loved one’s values.

Leave a bequest in your Will

Leave a gift in your Will

Becoming a Furever Friend is an extraordinary way to continue making a difference beyond your lifetime. It’s the best way to make sure that the generosity you have shown during your life can live on.

If you need some extra help, please get in touch, we are always happy to hear from you:

Phone Toll Free: 1800 688 364

Click here to send us an Email

It costs over $60,000 to train and place an Assistance Dog.

Your donation helps cover training, vaccinations and equipment for an Assistance Dog, who is given to a client free of charge.

Donate Now

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