Peter and Phoebe’s story

West Australian Peter Darch’s service dog, Phoebe, has a heart to match her coat of gold, providing him with freedom and more independence.

“I do a lot more since she’s [Phoebe’s] been around. She loves the warm weather and going on long walks… We went camping which she loved! She also helps me around the house a lot. Especially opening and closing doors which is great as it’s stopped my old man winging about the flies!”

Peter is in good paws with Phoebe around. She helps him with the shopping, picking up items for him and handing his wallet to the cashier at the counter. She also helps him catch the bus which he didn’t do before.

“Phoebe gives my wallet to the bus driver which makes things easier, so now it’s a lot easier to go places and cruise down to my mates’ places.”

It costs over $60,000 to train and place an Assistance Dog.

Your donation helps cover training, vaccinations and equipment for an Assistance Dog, who is given to a client free of charge.

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